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ACT Community Assistance and Temporary Supports Program [CATS]

ACT Community Assistance and Temporary Supports Program [CATS]

ACT Community Assistance and Temporary Supports Program [CATS]

The Community Assistance Support Program (CASP), Flexible Family Support program and the Transitional Care Program ended on 30 November 2023.

The Community Assistance and Temporary Supports (CATS) Program – replaces CASP.

If you would like to contact us about the CATS program, please email us at: CATS@communityservices1.org

More about CATS

You and/or your carer may be able to get help through the Community Assistance and Temporary Supports (CATS) Program if you need short-term support for a health issue, illness or injury.

These support services can help you stay well at home and may prevent you from going to hospital and can also help you apply for longer-term support programs if required.

To refer yourself or someone else to the ACT Government’s Community Assistance and Temporary Support (CATS) Program, contact the Central Intake Service on 02 5124 6500.

The phone line is open the following days (except public holidays):

Monday: 8:30 am and 4:30 pm

Tuesday: 8:30 am and 4:30 pm

Wednesday: 8:30 am and 3:30 pm

Thursday: 8:30 am and 4:30 pm

Friday: 8:30 am and 4:00 pm

More information is available on the ACT Government website.

Who can apply

You must:

  • Live in the ACT.

You must also meet one of the following:

  • Be ready to leave hospital but unable to access the supports to help you return home safely through an existing program such as the NDIS or Commonwealth aged care programs.
  • Have a health condition* that is temporary or terminal and not likely to get assistance through another program such as the NDIS or Commonwealth aged care programs.
  • Have a health condition* that is significant and permanent, and either be in the process of applying for or appealing an application for supports through another program such as the NDIS or Commonwealth aged care programs.

* Health conditions for the CATS Program include health and mental health conditions.

Carers are also eligible for specific supports if they are an unpaid carer, or a direct family member living with, a person who meets the eligibility requirements of the program.

You can be of any age to access supports through the CATS Program.

In the ACT there are seven organisations providing different CATS Program services. To find out more about the service providers and the CATS program:


To contact Community Services #1 about the CATS program please email: CATS@communityservices1.org

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