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Care Finder

Care Finder

Care Finder

Do you know someone who has difficulty using My Aged Care?

Community Services #1 offers the care finder service which provides extra support for people requiring specialised help to access aged care services.

  • We can help you register with My Aged Care
  • We can assist with the assessment process
  • We can help link you with services you need.

Care finder Coordinators provide specialist assistance for senior Australians who need additional supports in place to access aged care services.

The care finder service helps clients to understand and access aged care services and connect with other relevant supports in the community.

  • Eligibility for care finder support may include: The person is 65 years or older and eligible for aged care services.
  • The person is experiencing isolation or does not have an appropriate support person (e.g. carer, family or representative) who they are comfortable acting on their behalf and/or who is willing and able to support them to access aged care services via My Aged Care
  • Communication barriers, including limited literacy skills.
  • Difficulty processing information to make decisions.
  • Resistance to engage with aged care for any reason and their safety is at immediate risk or they may end up in a crisis situation.
  • Past experience means they are hesitant to engage with aged care services, institutions and/or Government agencies.

If you know someone who might benefit from this kind of assistance please contact our care finder team to discuss eligibility on (02) 6126 4747 or email us:  carefinder@communityservices1.org for further information.

Alternatively  Click Here to access our referral form. Fill in and submit the form to the email address above and we will contact you as soon as possible.

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