Venue Hire Application Venue Hire Application No bookings taken after 9pm. First name * Last name * Organisation * Address * City * State / Province / Region * Postcode * Phone number (1) * Phone number (2) * Email address * Date from * Date to * Time from * Time to * (Including Clean up time - No bookings after 9pm) Purpose of Booking * Brief description Number of participants *Please indicate how many people you are hoping to host at the venue. Type of Function? *Non Function - (Training - Meeting - Club Activity)Function (Children’s Party – Social Gathering)Other Function Facilities Required: Please select *Griffith HallGriffith Meeting RoomNarrabundah HallNarrabundah Meeting Room Optional Extras: Please Select Data ProjectorSound System Please add any additional comments or questions below: Name: This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.