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Your Side in partnership with Community Services #1 expand into Southern NSW

Your Side in partnership with Community Services #1 is delighted to announce that they are expanding the delivery of Out of Hospital Care in regional NSW.

This program will start on 31st Oct, 2022.

An initiative of the NSW Ministry of Health, Out of Hospital Care prevents avoidable hospital stays by delivering non-clinical care such as cleaning, meals and transport.

Our case managers will arrange short-term packages of care for eligible people who can be safely and comfortably cared for at home instead of in hospital.

Out of Hospital Care combines the ComPacks and SASH (Safe and Supported at Home) programs and adds a new, non-clinical End of Life care program. Patients can be referred from hospital at discharge or from community medical centres.

“We look forward to supporting people in Southern NSW to be safe in their own homes while they recover, or while they are supported in the last stages of life. Expanding our regional footprint further cements our positive partnership with Community Services #1, who we have enjoyed working with these past 12 months in Murrumbidgee,” says Danielle Ballantine, CEO of Your Side Australia.

The Your Side and Community Services #1 partnership brings together two leading providers of home-based support that deliver care for older Australians, people with a disability, their carers, children, and families.

“We are delighted to serve the community in the area, and to also be hiring case managers and support workers located in Southern NSW to deliver this essential service. I am pleased that the high performance of our partnership with Your Side has led to an expansion of support to the people in Southern NSW,” said Amanda Tobler, CEO of Community Services #1.

To see jobs available in the new program Out of Hospital Care Program in South NSW click here.

For more information contact:

Brittany Jack – Your Side
Director of Business Growth
Ph: 0449 109 299

Early childhood educators rally for system change as they reach breaking point

Source: Canberra Times
By Sarah Lansdown – Updated September 7 2022

Early childhood educators declared they wanted pay rises, not cupcakes, during a national day of industrial action.

More than 1000 centres closed as part of the nationwide strike on Wednesday where educators called on governments to increase the award wage as workers leave the sector in droves.

At a rally outside Parliament House, Majura Early Childhood Centre director Laura Kesby said the staff shortage was the worst it has been since she began working in the sector 18 years ago.

“I’ve never seen such a crisis in staffing. It’s really difficult. Finding quality, experienced, qualified people is really difficult.”

Ms Kesby said it was very hard to live on an early childhood educator’s wage in Canberra.

“The cost of living is going up but our wages are not going up. We’re lucky because we work for a not-for-profit organisation that does pay us above the award but I don’t know how people can live on $24 an hour.”

Treehouse in the Park educator Aisep Woodruff said he was considering doing more study in early childhood education but wasn’t sure if it was worth it for a marginal pay increase.

“I want better. I want to be able to do this job for the rest of my life and I can’t afford to. It’s kind of the breaking point for so many people.”

Anglicare community services executive manager co-chair Simon Bennett said the workforce of 96 per cent women were underpaid for the complex work they did.

“When you look at early learning educators being paid for a full time basis of just over $1,000 per week, compared to the average wage of $1500, that’s just under $30,000 less,” Mr Bennett said.

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Increasing demand for food relief puts pressure on charities

As the cost of groceries and living expenses continues to rise, more and more families and individuals have been forced to reach out to charities for assistance and the demand is putting huge pressure on them as they work to source enough supplies to help those in need.

Our CEO Amanda Tobler is acutely aware of this growing problem: ‘Food pantries are such a vital service for so many in our community. Our food pantry has seen a significant increase in demand and our clients repeatedly tell us that the relief our pantry provides them means they are able to pay for vital costs such as rent, medical appointments and medication.’ She said.

ABC online reported that

If you know someone who needs assistance please call our office on 1800 960 938. If you would like to donate to our food pantry you can either drop goods to our reception: 63 Boolimba Cres, Narrabundah, ACT.

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